Fake plants and babies - How fake hedges can bring life to a photograph

Fake plants and babies - How fake hedges can bring life to a photograph

Fake hedges are so portable and easy to use that you can put them anywhere, even in your photography studio at home.

Hi, my name is Briana I have a 10 month old daughter named Charlotte, I love taking photos of her (what mum doesn't) and as much as I'd like to drain it on social media with every single little picture of her I hold myself back and choose not too, I like to keep these precious photos all to myself (I know how could I do such a thing) and I can't help but dress her up in cute little outfits and take a snap, sometimes though it's raining or too hot outside to get a good quality "outdoor type" photo, this is where artificial hedge panels come in... Because of the awesome different leaf varieties and a even vertical garden looks, you can make out that your little happy snappy baby is in the middle of the Amazon rainforest without even moving from your own house, how awesome is that! 

I pretty much set up my spare room with command strip hooks on the walls and hang hedge panels above some fake grass on the floor and boom you have yourself a little studio, now that should make you more snap happy than ever. 

Here are some photos.


Babies artificial vertical garden privacy panel cute


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